Single Domain
Domain Validation
1-3 Year Period
$250,000 SSL Warranty
Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificates provide the quickest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to receive industrystandard encryption. To attain a DV certificate, a company must prove ownership of the domain being secured. Issued in just minutes, DV certificates allow one to rest assured that their website will be secure.
Single Domain
Domain Validation
1-3 Year Period
$500,000 SSL Warranty
Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificates provide the quickest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to receive industrystandard encryption. To attain a DV certificate, a company must prove ownership of the domain being secured. Issued in just minutes, DV certificates allow one to rest assured that their website will be secure.
Single Domain
Organisation Validation
1-3 Year Period
$1,000,000 SSL Warranty
Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificates are a simpler, faster certificate option for registered organizations. To receive an OV certificate, the company must prove it owns the domain it is seeking to secure and prove it is a legally registered business. Through visual trust indicators — like the appearance of HTTPS, the padlock, and a dynamic site seal — visitors will know the site is secured.
Single Domain
Extended Validation
1-3 Year Period
$1,750,000 SSL Warranty
Featuring the highest level of protection offered by an SSL certificate, Extended Validation (EV) is the industry standard for business websites. When an EV SSL certificate is loaded on a site, browsers will display an additional trust indicator, which is the authenticated name of the company adjacent to the web address, often in the color green. Commonly referred to as the “green address bar” or “branded address bar,” this interface element helps users distinguish between the online businesses they intend to deal with and potential imposters attempting to scam them in some way.
For 1 year, one can obtain all the benefits of a stardard Sectigo SSL Certificate, but now for multple domains. If there is a need to quickly secure domains, this is the right certificate for the job.
Note that the SSL include 3 domains
Wildcard (unlimited subdomains)
Domain Validation
1-3 Year Period
$500,000 SSL Warranty
Wildcard SSL certificates allow companies to secure their main domains and unlimited subdomains under a single certificate. Cost effective and efficient, the DV wildcard SSL certificate makes it easy to maintain a website’s security without the hassle of managing multiple SSL certificates. Wildcards also provide the most flexibility, as additional subdomains can be added without requiring a new certificate to be issued.
Wildcard (unlimited subdomains)
Organisation Validation
1-3 Year Period
$1,000,000 SSL Warranty
For registered organizations that require a certificate for more complex systems, the Sectigo OV Wildcard certificate allow more flexibility for an admin to secure multple subdomains at one time.